A new concept in food quality
The European certification mark AFQ introduces a new, innovative system for evaluating, comparing, and ranking food quality. Each food product is subjected to a detailed laboratory analysis in order to evaluate the antioxidant activity. Based on the activity, the AFQ score is obtained, ranging from 8-20. The higher the AFQ score the greater the antioxidant activity and bioactivity of the food product. AFQ compares similar products, giving the consumer the information that the product is laboratory tested, of high quality and provides potential health benefits.

Product ID
Creation of product identity
FoodOxys provides a comprehensive service for the thorough evaluation of the bioactivity of food products and dietary supplements at 4 distinct levels:
- Laboratory analyses in vitro – Evaluation of antioxidant activity
- Laboratory analyses in cells – Evaluation of the effects on markers of cell viability and redox state
- Preclinical study – Evaluation of the effects on markers of redox status of laboratory animals
- Clinical study – Evaluation of the effects on markers of redox status of healthy volunteers (exclusively for food products)
Finding Health Claims
Health claims are statements that associate food with health. FoodOxys conducts laboratory testing for the qualitative and quantitative determination of nutrients (vitamins, minerals, trace elements). If any of the nutrients are detected at levels above the limit set by the European Commission, the food product can receive all the health claims related to the specific nutrient. Health claims help to promote the quality of food products.

Determination of the phenolic content and antioxidant activity
Polyphenols are bioactive compounds, of plant origin, with strong biological activities. FoodOxys conducts laboratory testing to determine the total phenolic content and to evaluate the free radical scavenging capacity of food products in order to highlight the beneficial effects on human health. The service includes the following:
- Determination of total phenolic content
- Evaluation of free radical scavenging capacity against ABTS•+
- Evaluation of free radical scavenging capacity against DPPH•
Determination of the quality characteristics of olive oil
The determination of the phenolic content and the measurement of specific physicochemical characteristics play an important role in highlighting the quality of the olive oil. FoodOxys provides a comprehensive service, which includes the following:
- Determination of total polyphenols
- Determination of acidity
- Determination of peroxide value (PV)